Anatoly Naydenov

25 years
Irkutsk, Russia (UTC+9)


Server administration and monitoring, Infrastructure management

Server administration: AWS, Proxmox VE, KVM, Rancher, ZFS, RAID, CoreOS, BareOS, Docker, Nginx, Jetty, Exim, Dovecot, PHP-FMP, systemd timers.
WebOps: continuous integration (Travis-CI, Teamcity), monitoring (Grafana, Prometheus) Youtrack, Docker
Database Management: PostgreSQL, MariaDB Galera Cluster
Web-development: Python (Flask, Gunicorn, SQLAlchemy)
Client side: Javascript (jQuery Mobile, Processing.js), HTML/CSS (HAML/SASS)



AWS, Rancher, CoreOS, Python, Wordpress, Bitrix, Django, Elastic Search, etc

Software Engineer

Development of internal services

Mentoring summer interns, launched a RAID-10 on a ZFS, written documentation

He carried out a live migration to the new mail server (Exim, PostgreSQL) with the transition c POP3 to IMAP, bringing improvements and getting rid of spam


The introduction of developments of internships in production, rethinking and restruktizatsiya existing network architecture, migrating from FreeBSD Jail on Proxmox VM debian

Unfolded virtualization based on Proxmox VE (KVM, OpenVZ)

Administration Web infrastructure, and migration from Tomcat, Apache, Clearos Web Mail on Jetty, Nginx, RoundCube

Intern for Unix-systems

On the test bench have developed a new proxy gateway Traffic Controllers (squid), firewall (Perl-scripts, Iptables), OpenVPN, vsFTPd-store


National Research Techinal University

Irkutsk, RU

Institute of Cybernetics named after E.I. POPOV, Faculty automated control system

Diploma: Design and development of mobile applications for the "Baikal Internet forum".

Presentation of the project (Russian language, without video):
